As a responsible retailer we are committed to good customer service. We strive to deliver the highest possible standard of service. If you find that when you receive your item/s you have either changed your mind, made a mistake or your circumstances have changed we will honour a full refund (minus any delivery charges incurred on sending the goods out). The goods must be returned in as new condition within 14 days of receipt of goods, in its/their original packing and has/have not been damaged or used. The refund will be applied to your card within 7 days of the return of the goods to us although your card provider may take longer than this to show the funds on your card. All Modified items must be payed for in full and cannot be returned or refunded unless otherwise agreed with us.
Delays to despatch or delivery
Whilst every effort is made to deliver the goods within the time specified on the site, occasionally this may not be possible due to events beyond our control or other unavoidable circumstances. Please be assured, in this instance we will endeavour to deliver the goods as soon as is possible but if for any reason you are not happy with this we will offer a full refund if you wish to cancel your order except when the item was a bespoke one off which must still be honoured at the earliest possible time.
Damaged sustained by environmental and other local effects
Whilst our features are made from solid stone and are very strong, if the feature is installed outside in a country which experiences freezing conditions from time to time, it is the responsibility of the owner to adequately protect the feature from freezing conditions by completely draining the reservoirs and covering the whole item with a water proof cover to prevent it from filling with rainwater and re-commissioned once the threat of frost has passed. We can except no responsibility for environmental damage or other localised damage sustained.
If you don't see your item in the sale, do get in touch
and we'll see what we can do.
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Secret Oasis is a marketing name of Savoire Faire Trading Limited